Meine Amazonen – My Amazons

Last Updated on 26. Juni 2020 by AnnDee

Die Amazonen in meinen Filmen - The Amazons in my Movies

Hier stelle ich die (schlagkräftigen) Amazonen aus meinen Filmen vor mit den Links zu den Filmen, in denen sie mitgewirkt haben.

Here I introduce the (punchy) Amazons featuring in my movies with links to the corresponding videos.


I'm filming - Ich filme Dagmar in "Tall Psychiatrist"


Dagmar “Daggi” 188 cm groß - tall (große Hände - large hands)


Heike Krankenschwester - Nurse (gewaltige Oberschenkel - mighty thighs)


Tanja, 195 cm, British (large hands) NEU


Gundula, Freizeit-Ringerin - Hobby Wrestler (gewaltige Oberschenkel - mighty thighs)


Astrid, 198 cm (large hands)


Hilu, 181 cm (natural dominant)


Heike von der Reeperbahn, ProDom  (184 cm)


NEU Stefanie aka Hedaya, Deutsch-Ägypterin, sehr freizügig, intelligent und sympathisch


Karla Nelsen, 184 cm (FBB from USA)


Franziska, Natural Hairy Wrestler


Manu, Natural Hairy Prostitute


Silvia, rassig und behaart


Leslie Look, US Champion in Powerlifting (mighty thighs)


Jane, 185 cm, 95 kg, Domina


Nadia, 188 cm, Russian Olympic Rower (large and strong hands)


Anne, Natural Strong Frenchwoman (Biceps)


Andrea, 187 cm, Model


Frau Wegener, 194 cm, Hausfrau


Susi, 183 cm, Bäuerin - Farmerette


Silke, 178 cm + Günter, 160 cm


Petra, Hamburg, Top Schenkel, Waden, Busen   NEU


Andrea, 187 cm, Hairy Armpits


Janine, 191 cm, Holland (large hands)


Petra, FBB, Hairy


Gabi, Natural Hairy


Heidi the Bulldozer from Hamburg NEU


Claudia Brutale, 190 cm (large hands)


Sandra, 174 cm, Weekend-Domina


Monika, Natural Hairy 'n Veiny


Gabi Butze, former Duo Shape, DDR


Ingrid "Tazzie", Powerlifter


Christine, Athletic Dancer (great claves)


Dorothee, Mariage Councelor


Yvonne, Circus Girl   NEU


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