Die schlagkräftige Richterin ✋ The Punchy Judge

Und möge Gott uns beschützen - And may God protect us

Eine fiktive Geschichte von Randy und Sarah, übersetzt und seinen Phantasien angepasst von AnnDee

Randy wird im Juni beim Ladendiebstahl von Bonbons in Frau Tunney's Lebensmittelladen  erwischt, kurz nachdem er vierzehn geworden ist. Wie bei dem vorangegangenen Vorfall drei Monate vorher, ruft Frau Tunney auch diesmal wieder die Polizei und Randy wird zur Polizeistation gebracht und dort eingesperrt.

Als seine Mutter, Beth, die Polizeistation erreicht, spricht sie erstmal mit dem Polizei-Offizier und Frau Tunney. Schnell waren sie sich einig, dass Randy mehr als einen Ausflug ins Polizeirevier und eine Verwarnung vom Polizei-Offizier braucht.

Der Sergeant holt Randy und teilt ihm mit, dass er wegen geringfügigen Diebstahls als Jugendlicher festgenommen und an das Jugendgericht verwiesen wird. Randy wird dann zum Streifenwagen zurückgebracht und quer durch die Stadt zum Gerichtsgebäude gefahren, während seine Mutter und Mrs. Tunney in ihren Autos hinterherfahren. Das Jugendgericht befindet sich im Erdgeschoss.

Während Randy in einen Sicherheitsraum weggesperrt wird, haben seine Mutter und Mrs Tunney ein langes Gespräch mit der Richterin Ana Maria Polo. Sie werden von Clara Desmond begleitet, Mrs Suter's  Schwägerin und engste Vertraute in schwierigen Zeiten. Es dauert gut zwei Stunden, bis die vier Frauen Randy's Fall besprochen hatten. Trotz der anfänglichen Hoffnungen von Frau Suter war nun klar, dass der erste Ladendiebstahl kein einmaliges Vergehen war.

In Übereinstimmung mit der Einschätzung von Richterin Ana Maria Polo stimmt sie zu, dass Randy's Problem harte Maßnahmen erfordert, bevor die Dinge außer Kontrolle gerieten. Und sie stimmt schnell zu, als Richterin Ana Maria Polo empfiehlt, dass Randy einen Monat in einer Spezialklinik für jüngere jugendliche Straftäter, Ausreißer und Jungen mit chronischen Verhaltensproblemen verbringen sollte.

Richterin Ana Maria Polo erklärt: "Wir könnten Randy in das Staatliche Jugendheim schicken, Beth, aber es würde die Situation wahrscheinlich noch verschlimmern. Es gibt dort zu viele ältere Jungen, die sich auf ihre Art und Weise verhalten.

Bei La Farge wird Randy mit jüngeren Jungen zusammengebracht und als solcher behandelt. Die Matronen von La Farge wissen, wie man die Uhr zurückdreht, um verhaltensgestörten Jugendlichen die Chance zu geben, von vorne zu beginnen. Wir können ihn nach einem Monat bewerten und sehen, ob weitere Zeit benötigt wird. Natürlich wird La Farge nur helfen, wenn Randy die strenge Aufsicht und Disziplin hat, die er zu Hause braucht. "

"Seit dem ersten Vorfall habe ich schon eine Weile darüber nachgedacht, Richterin Ana Maria. Wie Sie wissen, bin ich zu klein und nicht stark genug, um mit Randy richtig umzugehen, wenn er Probleme macht. Meine Schwägerin is viel größer und sehr athletisch und als Sportlehrerin in einem Internat für schwer Erziehbare der Aufgabe ganz sicher gewachsen. Sie ist bei den Kindern äußerst gefürchtet wegen ihrem kräftigen Schlagarm. Da weinen sogar die größten Jungs bei ihren Handspankings. Sie hat bereits angeboten, mit ihrem Zehnjährigen zu uns zu ziehen, falls Randy mehr Probleme macht. Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, dass ich ihr Angebot annehme."


Die starke und strenge Sportlehrerin, Randy's Tante


"Ich bin froh, dass Sie über langfristige Lösungen nachgedacht haben, Beth. Eine stabile, gut strukturierte häusliche Umgebung ist für Randy von entscheidender Bedeutung, wenn Sie die Situation ändern möchten."

Tante Clara will schon seit einiger Zeit sprechen und legt los, sobald Richterin Ana Maria Polo mit dem Reden innehält.

"Beth, was ist, wenn Richterin Ana Maria Polo, wieder das macht, was sie das erste Mal gemacht, als Randy beim Stehlen erwischt wurde?"

"Oh ja, Clara. Danke, dass du mich daran erinnert hast." Sie will fortfahren, doch die Richterin unterbricht sie.

"Ich wollte das gerade selbst zur Sprache bringen, Beth. Wie ich letztes Mal sagte, könnte Randy von einer gerichtlichen Prügelstrafe von mir persönlich in meinen Räumen profitieren. Ich würde sagen, er braucht das jetzt mehr denn je. Und schauen Sie meine Hände an. Sie sind groß und kräftig. Und durchtrainiert, da ich jeden Tag mehrere Deliquenten verdresche bis sie jämmerlich weinen."


Maria Wattel, 183 cm, stark und intelligent, könnte in meiner Phantasie die strenge Richterin sein

👇... ab hier hinter dem Schlüsselloch der weitere illustrierte Text nur für Bronze-Mitglieder und höher ...👇

... Randy fühlt sich ein wenig besser, als ein drei Jahre jüngerer Junge ihm sagt, er solle sich nicht so wegen der Tageswindeln schämen. Er sagt, es sei jedem neuen Kind am Anfang passiert und die meisten haben sie mindestens noch einmal an, bevor der Monat zu Ende geht.


... Wenn ich feststelle, dass in Form von Spenden oder Kommentaren genügend Interesse besteht, schreibe ich die Geschichte weiter ...

Vielleicht interessiert dich diese Recherche über die Körperstrafe in der Schule und zu Hause gestern und heute in meinem dauerBlog




A fictive Story by Randy and Sarah, translated and adjusted his fantasies by AnnDee

Randy was caught shoplifting candy in Mrs. Tunney's grocery store in June not long after he turned fourteen. As with the previous incident three months earlier, Mrs. Tunney called the police and had Randy taken down to the station, where he was put in a lock up in back.

When Randy's mother, Beth, arrived at the station, she conferred with the desk sergeant and Mrs. Tunney. They quickly agreed Randy needed more than a trip to the station and a warning from a police officer.

The sergeant fetched Randy and told him he was being arrested as a juvenile on charges of petty larceny and remanded to the juvenile court. Randy was then taken back out to the squad car and driven across town to the courthouse while his mother and Mrs. Tunney followed behind in their cars. The juvenile court was located in the basement.

After Randy was placed in a secure room, his mother and Mrs Tunney had a long conference with Judge Ana Maria Polo. They were joined by Clara Desmond, Mrs Suter's sister-in-law and closest confidant in times of trouble. It was a good two hours before the four women finished discussing Randy's case. Despite Mrs. Suter's earlier hopes, it was now clear that the first shoplifting incident was no momentary aberration.

In accordance with Judge Ana Maria Polo's assessment, she agreed Randy's problem required tough measures before things got out of hand. And she quickly agreed when Judge Ana Maria Polo recommended Randy spend a month in a special clinic for younger juvenile offenders, runaways, and boys with chronic behavior problems.

As Judge Ana Maria Polo explained, "We could send Randy to the state juvenile home, Beth, but it probably would make things worse. There are too many older boys there who are set in their ways.

At La Farge, Randy will be placed with younger boys and treated as such. The matrons at La Farge know how to turn back the clock to give troubled youngsters a chance to start over. We can evaluate him after a month and see if further time is needed. Of course, La Farge will only help if Randy can get the close supervision and strict discipline, needs at home."

"I've been thinking about that for some time now, Judge Ana Maria, ever since the first incident. As you know, I'm too small and not strong enough to handle Randy properly, when he gets into trouble. Fortunately, my sister-in-law is much taller and very athletic and as PE teacher at a boarding school for hard to educate kids surely up to the task. She is greatly feared by the childs for her strong spanking arm. Even the big boys are crying with her hand spankings. She already offered to move in with her ten year old son, if Randy got into more trouble. I think it's time I took her up on her offer."

"I'm glad you have been thinking about long-term solutions, Beth. A steady, well-structured home environment is essential for Randy, if you want to turn things around."

Aunt Clara had been eager to speak for some time now and spoke as soon as Judge Ana Maria Polo paused.

"Beth, what about taking Judge Ana Maria Polo up on the offer, she made the first time Randy was caught stealing?"

"Oh yes, Clara. Thank you for reminding me." She was about to continue when the judge interrupted.

"I was about to bring that up myself, Beth. As I said last time, I think Randy could benefit from a judicial spanking in my chambers by myself personally. I'd say he needs that now more than ever. And look at my hands. They are huge and strong. And well-trained, because every day I spank several deliquents until they howl pitifully. ""

"I only wish I had accepted your offer the first time Judge Ana Maria Polo. Perhaps Randy wouldn't be here today. Please do whatever you think is necessary. I must say, that boy has me at my wits end these days."

"I understand that, Beth. I'm just glad there is an institution like La Farge which can help Randy. I think you'll see a drastic improvement in his behavior after just a month stay. You'll be free to visit him any time, of course."

"I don't know how to thank you, Judge Ana Maria. You can't imagine how much better it feels, knowing Randy is finally going to get straightened out."

"Very well then. Let's adjourn to the courtroom and have Randy brought in for his sentencing."

A few minutes later, two tall and big female bailiffs escorted Randy into the courtroom where he greeted his mother, aunt, and Mrs. Tunneywith a mixture of nervousness and teenage bravado.

"Randy, this is your second offence as a shoplifter. Two months ago, you were warned that you could spend time in ajuvenile home or similar institution if you were ever caught shoplifting again. And yet here you are again. After consultation with your mother and your aunt, I have decided to sentence you to a month's stay at the La Farge Home for Delinquent Boys. It's either La Farge or the state juvenile home and I don't think the later would do you any good. Your aunt has also agreed to move into the basement apartment in your home and help your mother provide a more structured environment when you are released from La Farge. Do you have anything to say for yourself, young man?"

"I ain't going to no home for kids. I ain't no kid anymore."

"Oh but there's where you are sorely mistaken, young man. You will be spending the next month at the La Farge Home whether you like it or not. As you will find out, the matrons there know exactly how to take care of bad boys who think they are old enough to decide things for themselves. Before you leave this courthouse, I am also going to administer a judicial spanking in my chambers. With Mrs. Tunney's permission, this will also substitute for the community service you would owe her. Over the years, I have found a judicial spanking administered in front of the aggrieved party or parties does more than any fine, warning, or community service to teach a valuable lesson. This is especially true for older boys and girls, who think they are too old for a childish punishment. A little embarrassment does a world of good with a naughty teen. If you don't believe me, you'll find out soon enough at La Farge. A good spanking now will also remind you what to expect from from your aunt from now on when you misbehave at home. Your mother tells me you have gone without a spanking for three years and I'd say it shows."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Randy exploded. "Have you gone out of your mind?"

"Young man, you really don't understand what is happening, do you? I will only say it once more. This is the second time you have been caught shoplifting. You were warned quite clearly what would happen if you ever stole again yet you deliberately ignoredt warnings. It is time you learned there are consequences for bad behavior. As for your attitude, I suggest you wise up or you will be spending a great deal of time have your fanny warmed by the matrons at La Farge."

Randy sputtered for a few moments before snapping back, "No way I'm going to no juvenile home, judge ...I'm no little kid any more."

"Well you certainly are behaving like a child today, Randy. If you had been disciplined properly over the last few years, we  wouldn't be having this discussion. Your insubordination and refusal to accept direction from adults shows exactly why you need some traditional discipline. Whether you like it or not, my bailiffs, Miss Watson and Miss Miner, are going to take you back into my private chambers. And then I am going to take down your pants and spank you until you're crying like a little baby. Yes, Randy, crying like a little baby. I have spanked some hundred bad boys and girls in my chambers over the years including much bigger boys than you. Every one of them thought, he or she was too old to be put across my lap. And every one of them discovered how wrong they were. Nothing makes a better impression on a bratty teen, than taking his pants down and giving gim a sound spanking with the bare hand. And that's what you are going to get from me today, Randy. And believe me, I have very strong arms and huge hands, that are made for it."

Aunt Clara had been growing increasingly impatient with Randy's attitude and chose this moment to chime in.

"My Tommy usually needs about two spankings a week, Judge Ana Maria, and Randy's twice as naughty,"

"Thank you for helping out, Clara. I'm sure it will do Randy a lot of good to get the regular discipline he needs by you as a realy well-trained PE teacher."

Mrs. Tunney was equally frustrated at Randy's comments and chirped up.

"If Randy was my child and pulled something like this, he'd be spanked every night for a week and put straight to bed after dinner."

"Thank you, Mrs. Tunney. I can assure you, the program at La Farge includes early bedtimes and plenty of old fashioned spankings by tall and strong matrons, who understand her job."

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... If I see that there is enough interest in the form of donations or comments, I'll continue the story ...

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